
Recorded in a number of spellings including Blyth, Blythe, Blyde, Bligh, and Blything, this is a famous English surname. Forever associated with Captain and later Rear Admiral William Bligh of the ship HMS Bounty, who was given a bad press by Hollywood, but not by his compatriots at the time, it is of pre 7th century Olde English and Anglo-Saxon origins. It is usually locational from any of the the various places called Bligh, Blyth, or Blythe in the counties of Northumberland, Nottinghamshire, and Warwickshire. These places derive their name from being on the Rivers Blyth and Blide, and are so called from the ancient word word "blithe", meaning merry and cheerful. The surname from these sources was first recorded in the 12th century, and early recordings include: Gilbert de Blie, in the Pipe Rolls of Nottinghamshire, dated 1200, and Robert de Blythe, recorded in the Subsidy Rolls of Lancashire in 1332. In some cases the word "blithe" was given as a nickname to a bright cheerful person. This would seem to apply to Robert Blithe of Norfolk in 1221, and John Blythe, in the Subsidy Rolls of Sussex in 1296. Recordings from later English church registers include the christening of Marget Blythe on November 19th 1552, at Westbourne, Sussex, and the christening of Edward Blyth, on May 12th 1580, at Selston, Nottinghamshire. The first recorded spelling of the family name is shown to be that of William de Blitha, which was dated 1177, in the Pipe Rolls of Essex, during the reign of King Henry 11nd of England, 1154 - 1189. Throughout the centuries, surnames in every country have continued to "develop" often leading to astonishing variants of the original spelling.

Surnames reference. 2013.

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  • Bligh — may refer to:* William Bligh, a Vice Admiral in the British Royal Navy famous for being Captain of HMS Bounty during a mutiny and Governor of New South Wales during the first military coup in Australia ** HMS Bligh (K 467) a Buckley class… …   Wikipedia

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  • Bligh [1] — Bligh, William, britischer Seemann, geb. um 1750, machte unter Cook eine Reise um die Welt mit; als er 1788 als Capitän nach Otaheiti ging, um von da den Brotbaum nach WIndien zu verpflanzen, behandelte er die Mannschaft seines Schiffes Bounty so …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

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  • Bligh — (spr. blai), William, brit. Seemann, geb, 1753 zu Tyntan in Cornwall, gest. 7. Dez. 1817 in London, nahm 1776–79 an Cooks letzter Weltumsegelung teil. Als Kapitän des Schiffes Bounty 1787 beauftragt, den Brotbaum von Tahiti nach Westindien zu… …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

  • Bligh — (Blei), William, geb. 1750, begleitete Cook um die Erde, wurde bei einer Fahrt nach Tahaiti von der meuterischen Mannschaft ausgesetzt, rettete sich aber nach Batavia. Im franz. Kriege kommandirte er ein Linienschiff, veranlaßte durch seine Härte …   Herders Conversations-Lexikon

  • Bligh —   [blaɪ], William, britischer Seeoffizier, * Tyntan im County Cornwall (nach anderen Angaben Plymouth) 9. 9. 1754, ✝ London 7. 12. 1817; nahm an der zweiten Expedition von J. Cook (1772 75) teil und war auf dessen dritter Reise (1776 79/80)… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • Bligh — [blī] William 1754 1817; Eng. naval officer: commander of the Bounty, whose crew mutinied …   English World dictionary

  • Bligh — William Bligh Le contre amiral William Bligh en 1814. William Bligh (9 septembre 1754 7 décembre 1817) est un officier britannique de la Royal Navy et un administrateur colonial. Il est surtout connu pour la mutinerie qu il subit alors qu il… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Bligh — noun British admiral; was captain of the H.M.S. Bounty in 1789 when part of the crew mutinied and set him afloat in an open boat; a few weeks later he arrived safely in Timor 4,000 miles away (1754 1817) • Syn: ↑William Bligh, ↑Captain Bligh •… …   Useful english dictionary

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