
Recorded as Lembrick, Limbrick, Limrick, Limerick, and possibly others, this very unusual surname is probably English, but may be for some name holders, of French origins. If so it originates from L'Ambroux a place in France, whose spelling later became Lambrouk. However we believe it to be of English origin from a place in Somerset called Lambrook. Recorded as Landbroc in 1065, and as Lambrok in the Assize Court Rolls of Somerset in 1221, the first element may be either the Olde English pre 7th century "land" meaning an area of land, or "lam", a lamb, plus "broc", a brook or stream, hence, "boundary brook" or "brook in which lambs were dipped". Such locational names were given to former inhabitants who moved either voluntarily or otherwise from their village or place of origin. The farther away one moved the more the spelling was transposed. The name is recorded in Ireland as Limerick, Limrick and Lamrock, and according to the Irish researchers entered Ireland as Lambrouk, although no known recordings exist in that spelling. They say that it is definately not from the county or city of Limerick, and that seems to be correct. Early examples of the surname recordings include Edward Limbricke at St Olaves, Hart Street, in the city of London, on February 15th 1580, John Limrick, christened at the church of St John the Evangelist, Dublin, on May 25th 1630, Batten Lambrick and Jane Marsh who were married in St. Mary-le-bone, in the city of London on October 23rd 1670, and George Limerick who married Mary Scott at Tamlaght, Londonderry, on December 24th 1845. Throughout the centuries, surnames in every country have continued to "develop" often leading to astonishing variants of the original spelling.

Surnames reference. 2013.

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