
Recorded as Duro, Duri, (Italian, Portugese and Spanish), Dur and Ledur (French), Durak, Durek (Czech), Durini (Italian) and probably others, this is a surname of Roman (Latin) origins. It derives from the original Latin 'durus' meaning hard or tough, although a thousand years later in medieval times this had changed to 'steadfast.' In fact the medieval times between the 12th and the 15th century were when the majority of hereditary surnames were created. Many, as with this one were originally either personal names of endearment, or more usually nicknames which may in some instances, meant the opposite of what they seemed to be saying. This is always a problem with this type of name, without being present when it was first applied, the actual meaning has always a measure of uncertainty. We also have a problem that surname recording on the continent with the honourable exception of the Germanic states, has never compared with British records which can sometimes go back unbroken for seven hundred years. In this case though we have some examples and these include Jozef Durek who married Eliisabeth Hromadkova at Krouna, Myto Vysoke, Czech Republic, on November 10th 1778, and in Italy where records tend to be even worse, that of Antonia Duro who married Leonardo Rossi at Piano di Arta, Udine, on April 15th 1789.

Surnames reference. 2013.

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  • dur — dur …   Dictionnaire des rimes

  • dur — dur, dure [ dyr ] adj., adv. et n. • Xe ; lat. durus I ♦ Adj. 1 ♦ Qui résiste à la pression, au toucher; qui ne se laisse pas entamer ou déformer facilement. ⇒ résistant, solide. Le fer, l acier sont des métaux durs. Roches dures et roches… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • dur — dur, dure (dur, du r ) adj. 1°   Difficile à pénétrer, à entamer, opposé à tendre, à mou. Le fer est un métal très dur. Du pain dur. Un lit dur. Du bois dur à fendre. Une pierre dure à casser. •   Pauvre ignorant ! et que prétends tu faire ? Tu… …   Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré

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  • Dur — 〈n.; s; unz.; Mus.〉 eins der beiden Tongeschlechter mit großer Terz im Dreiklang der Tonika; Ggs Moll 1 [zu mlat. b durum „der Ton h“ eigtl. „hartes b“; zu durus „hart“, nach der als „harter Klang“ empfundenen großen Terz] * * * Dur, das; [s]… …   Universal-Lexikon

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