
Recorded in a number of spelling forms including Diem, Thiem, Diemer, Thieme, Diemar, Diemann, Thiemann, and others, this is a German surname. It is of ancient origins from at least the 7th century a.d., and was originally a personal name. It derives from 'dietmar' meaning ' folk famous', a personal name and a later surname in its own right. Compound personal or baptismal names which extolled virtue, power, godliness and victory, were very popular at this period of history called 'The Dark Ages'. This was a time when, after the fall of the Roman Empire in the 5th century, law and order had largely broken down throughout Europe. Into the vacuum so created, came chaos and confusion. In the hope of better times, the suffering masses looked for a promised land, and one media for stability was through their choice of names. In time these names were adopted by a wide range of people including the Huns, Goths, Vizigoths, and the Norsemen of the 8th century. The ultimate surnames were much later, and usually not before the 13th century, and even then the requirement came about as governments became both centralised and bureaucratic. In this case early examples include: Johannes Dimari of Worms in the year 1290, Johannes Thieme of Eblingen in 1309, and Ulrich Diemo of Heggbach, Biberach, Germany, in 1404,

Surnames reference. 2013.

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