
This interesting surname usually has Roman origins, although the "modern" surname owes more to French influence during the medieval period. It derives from the Latin "Cornelius" meaning "horn", through the later French "corneille". The cathedral of St Cornelius in France was for many centuries a place of particular pilgrimage. In the middle ages however the name may have taken on a different meaning. "Corneille" described a crow, and hence the name and surname was probably a nickname for a talkative person! The name was introduced into England after the Norman Invasion of 1066, and it also spread rapidly across the whole of Northern Europe as far as Russia. The surname now has over fify spellings which range from basic forms such as Cornel and Quernel, to patronymics such as Nilles, Cornlissen, and Kornilyev. The earliest examples of the name recording are to be found in England. This was the first country to adopt hereditary surnames. Examples include William Corneille in the pipe rolls of Oxford for the year 1206, and Henry de Cornell who is mentioned in the Poll Tax Records of Staffordshire in 1229.Amongst the early settlers to the New England colonies of America, was a Fleming by the name of Pierre Cornille. In 1621 he was given special dispensation to emigrate to Virginia. His occupation is given as "wine dresser". The first recorded spelling of the family name anywhere in the world is shown to be that of Herbert Corneilla, which was dated 1148, in the charters of the county of Hampshire, during the reign of King Stephen of England, 1135 - 1154. Throughout the centuries, surnames in every country have continued to "develop" often leading to astonishing variants of the original spelling.

Surnames reference. 2013.

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  • CORNEILLE (P.) — Le théâtre cornélien est fait pour nous saisir et nous entraîner, au moyen d’exemples qu’il place à distance de nous et au dessus de nos pouvoirs ordinaires, et qui cependant n’ont tout leur sens que par notre admiration. Étonnement et communion …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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  • corneille — 1. (kor nè ll , ll mouillées ; et non kor nè ye) s. f. Oiseau plus petit que le corbeau et noir comme lui. •   Les cris de la corneille ont annoncé l orage ; Le bélier effrayé veut rentrer au hameau, ST LAMBERT Saisons, II. •   Seule errante à… …   Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré

  • corneille — CORNEILLE. s. f. Oiseau noir comme un corbeau, mais de moindre grosseur. Vieille corneille. jeune corneille. une bande de corneilles. le cry de la corneille. voler la corneille. Corneille emmantelée, C est une sorte de corneille qui a une partie… …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie française

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  • Corneille — is the French word for crow. Corneille is the name or pseudonym of several artists: Corneille de Lyon (1534 1574), French portrait painter Pierre Corneille (1606 1684), French dramatist Thomas Corneille (1625 1709), French dramatist Guillaume… …   Wikipedia

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